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Gifts and Plaques for Firefighters

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Fire departments often offer awards to firefighters for their outstanding performance. These awards can vary from simple crystal awards to elaborate sculptures. These awards are presented to firefighters who go above and beyond their usual duties in order to save lives or prevent serious property damage.

Merit is one of most popular awards given to firefighters. This honor is given to firefighters who have performed a significant act of bravery while under minimal risk of injury. This award is typically given to a firefighter who saved a life.

The National Firefighter of the Year Award honors firefighters who have demonstrated outstanding community service and professionalism. Nominees must be citizens of the United States, active members of their local or state fire departments, and current members of the American Legion to be eligible for this award. Only one individual per department is eligible to receive this award.

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There are other awards than the National Firefighter of the Year Award. These include the Life Saving Award and the Award of Merit.

The Life Saving Award award is the highest honor a firefighter may receive. It is presented to firefighters who have saved lives. It must be for heroic acts of saving a person drowning. This award may be given to a swimmer who saves their life by saving another person from drowning.

The Award of Honor, another award, is also available. This honor is somewhat different from the Merit or Valor. An award of honour is given to firefighters who have shown extraordinary courage even in difficult circumstances. Posthumously, a firefighter who died saving the life of another will be awarded this honor.

Aside from the Awards of Merit and the Life Saving Award, there are other types of awards that firefighters can receive. An example is the IAFC Ben Franklin Award for Valor. This award is presented to firefighters for their outstanding service and training.

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For outstanding performance in a emergency firefighting response, you can also get firefighter awards. These awards can be engraved and can also be used for department banquets. Hit Trophy is a great place to find firefighter gifts.

The Recognition award is another award for firefighters. The Recognition Award recognizes a department or individual for outstanding achievements. Although it is not the same award as an Award of Merit (or an Award of Honor), this is a noteworthy honor.

Some of the other awards that firefighters can receive are unit awards, the Norman Knight Award for Excellence in Community Service, and the EMS Lifesaving Award. These awards are meant to recognize firefighters' achievements. Recipients will feel respected and honored, regardless of whether they receive a Meritorious Award or an Award of Merit.

Gifts and Plaques for Firefighters